Three girls, running to catch the bus, the one who is smartest got into;),but she doesnt have a single penny in her pocket. Other 2 with much hardships managed to got into a bus which doesnt take them to the desired destination. so all are no roads , for different reasons. All got into a single auto and laughing like hell until their stomaches started aching.
Its the insomnia created by the latest flick of Shahrukh with 16 new faces which made them start immediately to Sensation Insomnia at Lakdikapool though they knew ,its much more than a fact that they will not get tickets at any cost!!Tickets are available :) but they are being blacked by even the management of the theatre which tells the real pathetic situation of Hyderabad cinema on the negative view point and ofcourse clearly picturises the hit talk of the movie on the postive side of the coin.They are real citizens of India , not only taking bribe is illegal, but also giving is considered equally illegal and illological:)
They took the chance of moving immediately to another theatre which has the movie being screened after 2hrs which increases the chance of getting tickets.Here they are at Anand at Sec'Bad, where they faced the real fact that tickets are sold out for the whole weekend shows(horrible),there are chances -but how? took the tickets in black and were peaceful now.
They have 2more hrs in hand , so decided to utilize that time with few works which they had, got into bus which takes them to Begampet for a Garam Chai as it was drizzling(good idea right?).Then ,went for some shopping at their regularly visited places, then started back for movie.
And there flashed the Scene1;) during their struggle to catch the bus.
Above mentioned scenes are taken from a real story not a reel story and the roles are played by us(das,janu and me :)) just before watching Chakde.
Above all, the day has become much more than just a careless weekend ,as it ended with watching a movie filled with inspiration, a must watch for all who love to get ignited by the inspiration which makes it the hottest cake in the movie market as of now
And thus day -18thAug2007 is memorable day in our lives.